What's in your Ballot?
As the November election approaches, it is appropriate to focus on the local candidates, state amendments and local questions. Our Polling Place is at the Marine Safety Headquarters 3939 N Ocean Blvd. (just south of Spanish River Blvd on the west side)
The Boca Raton Beach and Park District is of great concern to the residents of Boca Towers.

A "yes" to this question would broaden the authority of the Public to include city property on the West Side of the Intracoastal. These properties would remain in the public domain. Please think of the Wildflower and Lake Wyman properties. A "yes" vote would not allow a large "brick and mortar" eatery on the Wildflower property and might stop any move to relocate the docks.
Returning to the order on the Ballot, we have the State Constitutional Amendments. There are 4 Amendments but they are numbered 1-3 and 5.
#1-The Right of Electricity Consumers regarding Solar Energy Choice-In summary, you may choose solar energy but other energy consumers will not be taxed to pay for your choice. Another way of saying this is - If you do not choose Solar than you will not subsidize those who do. This is a yes or no vote. A no vote will support the use of solar energy power since the cost will be spread over the public base.. A yes vote will make the selection of solar energy very costly to those who choose it since they will carry the burden. The public utilities favor a yes vote. Please think carefully about this one..
#2-Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions-as prescribed by FLORIDA licensed Physicians. This allows caregivers to assist patients and for growers to be licensed. This applies to Florida law only. All activity will be subject to fees and taxes.
#3-Allows Tax Exemptions for Totally and Permanently Disabled First Responders-These individuals will be relieved from ad valorem taxes on homestead property.
#5-Allow Tax Exemptions for certain Seniors, Low Income, and Long-Term Residents. These exemptions will be based on the determination of Just Value. This value will be determined the FIRST YEAR the owner applies and is retroactive.
Last on the Ballot are the questions. we think these are the most important and more difficult to understand. The city wide question was previously discussed. The Countywide Question refers to the imposing of a ONE-CENT sales surtax. Please do not be misled. The current sales ta would be increased by 17%. The revenue would go towards education and infrastructure. The
wording of this question may be misleading. Please understand that 50% of the increase will go to education 30% to county-wide infrastructure and 20% to cities. Boca Raton would receive very little from this tax since the poorer cities are first in line and the county labels Boca Raton as the "richest city" in the county.
We have attempted to present your choices in an unbiased fashion. We do have opinions but we do not want to influence yours. We hope our explanations will help.
Kay Winakor
Joe Pedalino
Thank you for you attempt at deciphering the upcoming vote...
ReplyDeleteI think the VAST majority of Boca's people have no idea the intent behind this.
The proposition is so poorly written.
The City will get what they want no matter what -
If they do not - they just will stop moving forward again...
Until the time is right - then another version with even more intrusion will be put forward. and granted...
Dock at Lake Wyman and a restaurant at Ocean Strand -
It makes total sense to me...
I think that Boca Towers should offer to buy Ocean Strand from the city!! We could put in a Tennis Court, Putting Green and Batting Cage! Just think of the possibilities..Of course, each owner would be faced with a HUGE assessment!! (Just kidding)